Ekaterina APLONOVA
Doctorante Inalco - LLACAN,
Sous la direction de Stéphane ROBERT (CNRS-LLACAN)
Intitulé de la thèse : Contrastive study of complex predicates in Ginyanga (Kwa) and Bashkir (Turkic), contrat doctoral du projet ComPLETE – Complex predicates in languages.
Thèmes de recherche
- Langues kwa, turciques et mandé
- Linguistique du corpus, annotations
- Typologie syntaxique
Cursus universitaire
- 2017-2019 : Master en linguistique théorique à l’École des hautes études en sciences économiques (Moscou)
- 2013-2017 : Licence en études africaines à l’Université d'État de Saint-Pétersbourg
Situation professionnelle
- 2019-2022 : Assistante de recherche dans le projet ERC « Discourse reporting in African storytelling »
- 2018-2019 : Assistante de recherche à l'Institut de linguistique (Moscou)
- 2017-2019 : Assistante d'enseignement à l’École des hautes études en sciences économiques (Moscou)
- 2014-2017 : Professeure de collège 642 (Saint-Pétersbourg)
Conférences (Sélection)
- 2022 : Multilingual SpeechReporting Database: tools, methods and techniques. GAC 2022. (Together with members of the ERC project « Discourse reporting in African storytelling »)
- 2021 : Contrastive study of two reported speech constructions in Bashkir. ConCALL-4.
- 2020 : Reported speech at the intersection of grammar and style: The speech-introducing function of interjections. SLE 2020. (Together with Tatiana Nikitina)
- 2019 : Towards description of reported discourse in Bambara (on the sample of Bambara Treebank). Workshop on Reported Discourse across Languages & Cultures, Villejuif.
- 2018 : Integration of a Bambara treebank to a Bamabara reference corpus. Web Corpora as a Language Training Tool (ARANEA 2018), Bratislava.
- 2018 : Treebanks for Mande languages. Workshop on Soninke Corpus, Hamburg.
- 2017 : Towards a dependency annotated treebank for Bambara. 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Prague.
- 2016 : Verbal constructions in Goo (finite forms). 2nd Symposium on West African Languages (SyWAL2016), Institut für Afrikawissenschaften, Universität Wien.
- Pozdniakova, V. & E. Aplonova (in press). Pronouns in Ginyanga.
- Nikitina, T., E. Aplonova E. & L. Contreras Roa (in press). The use of interjections as a discourse phenomenon: A contrastive study of Chuvash (Turkic) and Wan (Mande).
- Nikitina, T. & E. Aplonova E (in press). The morphosyntax of reported speech and reported thought: A preliminary study.
- Adams, O. et al. 2020. User-friendly automatic transcription of low-resource languages: Plugging ESPnet into Elpis. In: Proceedings of ComputEL-4: Fourth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages.
- Aplonova, E. 2020. Dictionnaire Goo. Mandenkan 63.
- Aplonova, E. 2018. Morphologie verbale de goo. Mandenkan 58.
- Aplonova, E. 2017. Nominal marking in Bashkir. In: Acta Linguistica Petropolitana (in Russian: Аплонова Е.С. Субстантивное число в башкирском языке) XIII(1), 17-51.
- Aplonova, E. & F.M. Tayers F.M. 2018. Towards a dependency annotated treebank for Bambara. In: Proceedings of 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories.
- Aplonova, E. & V. Vydrin 2017. Goo language. In: Languages of The World. Mande Languages. (in Russian: Аплонова Е.С., Выдрин В.Ф. Гоо язык // Языки мира. Языки манде. СПб), 457-468.
- Idiatov, D. & E. Aplonova E. Tura language. In: Languages of The World. Mande Languages. (in Russian: Идиатов Д.И., Аплонова Е.С. Тура язык // Языки мира. Языки манде. СПб), 583-616.
Ressources électroniques
- Nikitina,T., E. Aplonova, A. Hantgan-Sonko, I. Jordanoska & E. Perekhvalskaya (eds.) 2021. The SpeechReporting Corpus: Discourse Reporting in Storytelling. Villejuif-Paris: CNRS-LACITO.
- Aplonova, E. 2019. Bambara treebank. Universal Dependencies Project.
- Ovsjannikova, M., S. Say, E. Aplonova, A. Smetina & E. Skur 2018. Spoken corpus of Bashkir.